The missing wood of the gunwale-planks is glued on.
The extension pieces are adjusted with a 20 cm sloping overlap and screwed, temporarily, to the railing plank.

The extension piece is screwed onto the railing plank. The butt-joints also have an oblique overlap of 20 cm.

Piece by piece, the gunwale-plank becomes wider.

Length and butt-joint.

It is glued with System West.
Larger screws with sheet-nuts on the back have been used to ensure max. retention in the soft linden tree.

All expansion planks are now glued on.
The saw cuts are made at the butt-joint between the planks to reduce the stiffness, ie. a more secure compression.

The gunwale-plank in the starboard side is set up for marking.

The centerline of the cleats is marked on the gunwale-plank.

From the centerline, the cleats are marked.

The clamps are cut out.

The top clamp at the railing should be "crescent" shaped.
There is a model at the front of the picture.

Roughing of the upper cleats.

The cleats on the starboard railing plank are complete.
However, the cleats at frame 1 & 10 except, they are made only when the railing plank is mounted.

Starboard railing plank strung up on the templates for adaptation to the side plank.

The edge of the railing plank is adjusted at the right angle with a band knife.
Start at the middle of the boat and work piecemeal towards the bow and stern.

There needs to be checking.

Sewing is started amidships.

Before sewing, tighten the two planks together with this device.

Sew on both railing planks at the same time so that the boat does not become skewed.
There are two helpers under the boat to tighten the seams.

Preparation and marking for the landing of the railing planks on the bow block.

The surfaces of the bow block are adapted to the railing planks.

The gunwale edge of the bow block is adapted to the railing plank.

The last adjustments before sewing.

Starboard side by being in place.

The last template is removed. They are replaced by a spacer and a string to hold the planks in place.

The seam is approaching the stern.

Sewing holes at railing plank and bow block.

The two sewing holes in the railing edge are drilled perpendicular to the sloping joints.

The cleats at frame 1 & 10 are made on site to ensure that they are horizontal.

The finished stitching, on the outside.

The finished stitching, inside.

The hull is finished and a couple of rowing benches put in. It is tempting to try out a good position when paddling.
- Ib Stolberg-Rohr has selected and customized the images.
Noter og kilder
- 1: Kaul, Flemming, Da våbnene tav, 11, p. 19