The re-creation of the Hjortspring Boat

This part deals with the side planks, manufacturing and sewing for bottom planks and bow blocks.

Schematic representation and naming of the Hjortspring boat's construction parts. 1

Side-planks, 1996 - 1997

Stævnene er syet fast til bundplanken. Der monteret et sæt formskabeloner.

The Stem-pieces are sewn to the bottom plank. A set of shape-templates is fitted.

Den forreste stævnklods er syet på bundplanken.

The front stem-piece is sewn on the bottom plank.

Detalje af låsepinden i en stævnklods.

The stem-piece is, in addition to the sewing,
also locked to the bottom plank with continuous slightly conical pin, which is then secured with a wedge.

Bundplanken er gjort klar til samlingen med det nederste horn. Stævntræet (eg) er monteret og sikret med en egetap på samme måde som stævnklodsen.

The bottom plank is made ready for the assembly with the lower horn. The bow wood (oak) is mounted
and secured with an oak pin in the same way as the bow block, both in the upper and lower horns.

Der er opsat monteringsskabeloner til fastholdelse af plankerne. Klamperne på styrbord sideplanke er ved at blive udskåret.

Mounting templates have been set up to hold the planks.
The cleats on the starboard side plank are being cut out.

Skabelonerne midtskibs med stabilitetslåse.

The templates are secured against twisting and screwed into battens at the bottom of the boat, these are tied to the cleats in the bottom plank.
A side plank is held in place with cords through the plank-cleats.

Styrbord sideplanke klargøres til syning.

Starboard side plank is prepared for sewing. The course of the railing is checked.


A total of three plumb bobs, hung from a steel wire under the ceiling, are used to ensure that the boat does not twist when the planks are sewn on.
The planks are sewn from the midships and towards the fore and aft and on both sides simultaneously.

Imprægnering af kalfatring.

Preparation of sealing material:
Cart sheep's wool which is immersed in liquid (hot) ox tallow and packed in newspaper for later use.

Værktøj fra Hjortspringfundet, kan bruges til opstramning af sysnore.

Sewing. There is shown, found, S-shaped tool, it can be used, but is somewhat cumbersome, so we have made our own.

Sysnore i brug.

Sew with long string. To protect the bast cord from wear and tear, it is tarred with wood tar.


The sewing requires two persons, one above, which forms the knot
and one under the boat, which attaches the loose end of the string to the other part and tightens the seam.

Tilpasning af samling mellem bund- og sideplanke.

Adjust the side plank edge to fit the bottom plank. Here at frame 10.
Note the angular change of the edge of the bottom plank.


The stitching approaches the stem-piece and the stitching of the side plank to the bow is prepared.

Syning mellem bund- og sideplanke og stævnklods.

Preparation for sewing the side plank to the stem.
The pieces of wood protect the holes when the white strings are tightened hard. Linden wood is a little soft.

Syningen mellem bund- og sideplanke og stævnklods er færdig.

The side plank is now sewn to the stem-piece.

Der er ikke nok træ i rælingsplankerne.

Railing board set up. As can be seen, some wood is missing. Something will be done about that later!

Der er ikke nok træ i rælingsplankerne.

And that's all the way!

Fremstilling af to-slået sysnor.

When both side planks were in place, we held (again) a party, it was June 8, 1997.
Different working methods were shown, here how to make two-stranded sewing cord.

  • Ib Stolberg-Rohr has selected and customized the images.

Notes and sources

Hjortspringbådens Laug


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