The re-creation of the Hjortspring Boat

June 5, 1999. Inauguration of the reconstructed Hjortspring Boat

5. juni 1999

Dagen er kommet.

Now is the day the Hjortspring Boat be resurrected! The boat is carried out by the upcoming crew.

Båden skal anbringes på transportvognen.

The boat must be placed on the wagon under close control.

Venter i regnvejr.

The boat waits in torrential rain until it is time to begin the ceremonial.

Lindeværftets nye facade.

Meanwhile, we can take a look at the beautification of our building: New entrance and windows, the facade plastered
and painted, and with a picture of the Hjortspring Boat in scale 1: 1, The rubble in the foreground will one day become a road.

Så er det lige før afgang.

The crew is getting in place, if they can otherwise come in for interested guests.

Så er det alvor! På vej.

The boat has been emptied of rainwater and now the trip goes towards Dyvig, with the chief as banner bearer.

På vej.

The boat is carefully towed along the small roads by the crew.

De stolte bådbyggere på vej mod Dyvig.

It is a serious matter to transport the boat the approx. 800 m to Dyvig.

Lurblæsere følger os på vej.

But music is needed! It is only 150 years ago Bronze Age ended, so you can still blow in a lure.

Det sidste stykke mod Dyvig.

Down the hill, the last part before the parking lot at Dyvig.

Der synges.

The men's choir sings a hymn in honor of the boat.

Det sidste stykke mod vandet gennem en folkemængde.

The boat must "cut" its way through the crowd the last bit down to the water's edge.
It is after speeches have been given by various honorariores.

Det sidste stykke mod vandet gennem en folkemængde.

But it succeeded, perhaps because of the "music".

På vandet igen.

The boat is towed to the floating bridge.

Mange mennesker på en smal strandbred.

It did not go completely unnoticed, there were approx. 4,000 spectators.

Ombordstigning fra flydebroen.

The crew is getting on board.
The Viking ship on the left is Freja Byrding, a copy of Skuldelev 3.


Before we can sail, the boat must have a name.
This action is performed by the Goddess Nerteus, with water in a clay jar.

Oh boat - I bless and baptize you
Tilia Alsie 6   is the name to bear.
Do your own and your brave crew honor,
when you with the bow and oar the wave splits!

Tilia Alsie på den første officielle tur.

Then we can show the many people on the shore that we have made a boat that can sail(e).

Tilia Alsie på den første officielle tur.

On the first trip we sailed around in the nearby waters, the spectators should be able to see Tilia.

Vi besøger Freja og får et egetræ.

On the second trip, with part of the crew replaced with our good friends from the National Museum,
we were greeted by Freja, they wanted to give a gift, an oak tree, it is now planted on our lawn.

3. tur med gæster.

It turned into several trips.
Meanwhile, spectators could watch crafts and enjoy whole roasted wild boar and Hjortspring wine.

Festen er slut.

Finally, the good days but over and the guests are moving away from Dyvig.

  • Ib Stolberg-Rohr has selected and customized the images.

Notes and sources

  • 6. Tilia is the Latin name for linden.
        Alsie ~ from Als

Hjortspringbådens Laug


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