Hjortspring Boat Feedback

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A membership includes the possibility to participate in one or more of the groups mentioned in Members and Groups.

The annual fee for a membership is for time being DKK 100.00, this fee covers the expenses of the Guild, primary updates of the documentation from the Guild and a Newsletter.

A membership does NOT imply any obligation to participate in covering the cost of building the Boat or the exhibition facilities.

Please tell us what you think about our web site, guild or services.
If you provide us with your contact information, we will be able to reach you in case we have any questions.

Filling out the forms below doesn't imply a membership, you have to indicate so in Comments and you will then be contacted by our treasure for a confirmation.

You are also invited to contact Guild members directly.

 Membership / Area of interest

Select your area of interest, more than one if you wish.
If you mark any interest in buying anything from this page, you will be contacted.
General interest Old craftsmanship Clothes
Boat specifications / design Boat usage Economy
PR Tooling Weapons
Materials Boat building History
Coordination . .
Purchase of literature:

The Vikingeskibsmuset in Roskilde have been so kind to handle the sale of our books for customers outside Denmark.
The books may be ordered on-line.

Click this link to their on-line store. (Opens in a new window).

The prices below are exclusive transportation.

Papers from the Membership Ledger.
In Danish and for members only!

150,00 DKK as a onetime fee.

Tanker om Hjortspringfundet ...

In Danish. 60,00 DKK. (8€).

The International Symposia on Boat and Ship Archaeology

50,00 DKK.

Hvad Haanden former er Andens Spor

Hvad Hånden former ...
In Danish with English and German résumé.

120,00 DKK. (16€).

Hjortspring, A Pre-Roman Iron-age ...
In English with a Danish, English and German résumé.

385,00 DKK. (50€).

.Das Boot

Das Hjortspring-Boot
Ein skandinavisches Kriegskanu aus dem 4. jahrhunderte vor Christus
Von Nachbau zur Probefahrt

In  German.

60,00 DKK. (8€).



Contact / Membership Information or Buying books

You have to specify your E-mail address
in order to be able to submit this form !

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