The re-creation of the Hjortspring Boat

This part deals with the ri-frames.

Schematic representation and naming of the Hjortspring boat's construction parts. 1


Råt tilhugget tofte af lind.

Raw-chopped thwart of linden.

Det rå sæde.

The raw seat.

En råt formet tofte.

A raw shaped thwart.

Sæde og bjælke formes.

Seat and beam are shaped.

Undersiden af toften formes.

The underside of the thwart is shaped.

Færdigt sæde.

A finished shaped thwart compared to a 1: 1 scale drawing.
The seats on all thwart are of the same size, only the beam between them is different.

Færdige tofter lagt op på båden.

Finished thwarts laid on the boat's gunwale.

Dæksbjælke tilpasses i båden.

A deck beam is measured and adjusted at the cleats.

Opmærkning af sneller på tofte.

Deck beam with inserted support columns and some pieces of hazel branches
to keep the correct distance to the cleats. The holes to the colums in the thwart can be marked.

Opmærkning af sneller på tofte.

A rib-frame consists of a Thwart-beam of linden, a deck beam and two columns of ash wood. It's all held together by ...

Svøb (hasselgren) afbarkes.

a hazel branch. A freshly cut branch is used, which is immediately debarked and prepared for insertion,

Ribbestativ samles.

which can be quite difficult, especially at the outermost frames (1, 2 & 9; 10).
It helps to use some grease as a lubricant.

Et samlet ribbestativ.

A finished rib-frame. Most rib-frames consist of the five parts shown,
except for No. 10 and No. 1, they have only one Column. In addition, No. 1 is very special.

Tofte nr. 1.

Rib-frame no. 1 - the aft rib-frame raw adapted.

Tofte nr. 1.

Details are cut out on thwart no. 1.

Tofte nr. 1.

Thwart no. 1 together with a support beam.

De specielle klamper ved tofte 1.

The cleats at tofte no. 1 are specially designed.
It is our own construction, as there are no preserved parts from this part of the find.

Tofte 1 på plads.

Rib-frame no. 1 put in place aft.
Note the cutouts and holes at the bottom of the toft.

Tofte 1 på plads med agterskot og løftingsplade.

A small stern bulkhead is mounted at the rear of the gunwale-planks and the first plank for "løfting" (a small deck) is put in place.

Det færdige arrangement ved tofte 1.

Aft rib-frame, stern bulkhead and "løfting" in place.

Det færdige arrangement ved tofte 1.

The boat is now tarred inside, the Thwart-beam are treated with linseed oil and a "stretch rope" is mounted between the cleats on both bow blocks.

Agterskot set fra agter.

The stern bulkhead with its fine cutouts, also on the stern side. The tension rope is attached to the cleats on the aft bow block.

  • Ib Stolberg-Rohr has selected and customized the images.

Notes and sources

Hjortspringbådens Laug


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6430 Nordborg

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