The re-creation of the Hjortspringboat

This part deals with the bottom plank and the bow blocks.

The bottom plank, 1993 - 1996

Et træ vælges ved Mynary i Kisielwo-skoven, Polen.

A tree is picked at Mynary in the Kisielwo forest, Poland.

Stammerne (4 stk.) er kommet hjem fra Polen og den første - til bundplanken - er kommet ind i Lindeværftet.

The trunks (4 pcs.) Have come from Poland and the first - to the bottom plank - has entered the Lindeværftet.

Der gøres klar til at flække stammen.

Preparations are being made to split the trunk.

Den udvalgte stammehalvdel placeres på arbejdsbukkene.

The selected tree trunk half is placed on the work stands.

Bundplankens form er optegnet og tilhugningen er begyndt.

The shape of the bottom plank has been drawn and the chopping has begun.

Den udvendige form tildannes.

The external shape is formed.

Et dansk lindetræ til brug for en stævnklods.

A Danish linden tree for use on a bow block.

Råbearbejdning af en stævnklods.

Raw processing of a bow block.

Stammen til bundplanken blev beskadiget ved fældningen, toppen var revnet.

The top of the trunk to the bottom plank was damaged by the felling. A repair block was glued on by a specialist.

Bundplankens underside er ved at være færdig.

The underside of the bottom plank is nearing completion.

Vi havde lavet en fejl, da bundplanken blev tilhugget i siderne.

We had made a mistake when the bottom plank was chopped into the sides. Planks were glued on to get enough width.

Limflader og udviddelsesplanker forberedes. Der optages også video.

Adhesive surfaces and expansion planks are prepared. Video is also recorded.

Udviddelsplankerne blev fastholdt under limningen. Hullerne efter skruerne blev limet og proppet med lindedyvler.

The extension planks were held in place during gluing. The holes after the screws were glued and stuffed with linden dowels.

Udviddelsesplankerne er limet på, skruehuller proppet og krumningen markeret efter en skabelon.

The expansion planks are glued on, screw holes plugged and the curvature marked according to a template. Our favorite tool.

En stævnklods tager form.

A bow block takes shape.

Klamper skæres ud.

Clamps are cut out.

Den, næsten, færdige bundplanke. Ydersiden smurt med trætjære.

The, almost, finished bottom plank. The outside is applied with wood tar.

Afsluttende finish af klampe, der efterlades materiale til en runding. Bemærk de firkantede huller!

Finishing finish of cleat, leaving material for a rounding. Note the square holes!

Specialværktøj til firkanthuller: "Tre-sidet" stemmejern.

Special tool for square holes: "Three-sided" wooden chisel.

De to sideplanker nærmer sig deres færdiggørelse.

The two side planks are nearing completion.


When the keel and side planks were finished, a "keel-laying party" was held on March 23, 1996.

  • Ib Stolberg-Rohr has selected and customized the images.

Notes and sources

Hjortspringbådens Laug


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